Home Health Care Services: How To Qualify For Them?

Home health care is a service given at home to manage the illness or injury and assist the elderly population or disabled in performing their essential daily activities. This service is more effective, convenient, and generally less expensive than when you get care in a hospital or skilled nursing facility.Home care is a center for health care services practice in the United States. It is an integral part of our country’s health system. According to a recent report, more than 4.5 million Americans receive home health care, much more likely to require services in the coming years.

The recent trend raises a crucial question: How To Qualify for Home Health Care services? Are the options available to help individuals and families afford the cost required for health care services?

Here, we explain what you need to know about qualifying for home health care benefits under federal, state, and private insurance.

A Guide For Qualifying For Home Healthcare Services In the United States

Today’s most common question is: Does Medicare cover home health care services? The answer is yes! But only in limited circumstances. Here are some circumstances when you qualify for home health care services.

When Your Doctor Orders Homecare For You

A doctor will meet you to evaluate your condition to determine if you meet home health eligibility criteria or not. He will check for the signs that make you eligible for home health care, including a new diagnosis or worsening of an existing condition, the severity of illness, or any disability that makes you eligible for home care.

To determine whether you need home care, the doctor will consider several things.

When You Are Homebound

It would be best to meet the Medicare homebound criteria to get eligible for home health. This means it’s tough for you to leave home and need help. The doctor will evaluate you and may certify that you are homebound if:

  • You need the help of any supportive device such as a cane, walker, wheelchair, etc., or another person to get out of the house, or if your doctor believes your condition worsens if you leave home.
  • If it takes a lot of effort from you to leave home, so you don’t leave home often, and if you do leave home, it’s for a short time to do something necessary or which is not avoidable, such as visit your doctor or to go to an adult daycare center.



If you have Medicare, you may be able to receive home health care services if a doctor certifies you as needing home care and you are deemed to be homebound under the standards set up by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid. Medicare only offers coverage for specific home care services. You may be eligible to receive skilled nursing rehabilitative services, such as physical therapy or occupational therapy. In other words, how health coverage is available through Medicare but is not inclusive.


Sadly non-skilled personal care such as assistance with day-to-day activities is not covered by Medicare. But the good news is that other options are available for elderly and vulnerable people who critically require home care services. Under Medicaid, home assistant services may be covered for people who meet medical requirements and pass a financial means test. While Medicaid offers home care services unavailable through Medicare, these services are only covered for applicants who meet the program’s asset/income requirements.

State Programs

There are state-based programs to assist residents of the United States who need help obtaining home health services. As of 2022, the states have more than one-Medicaid based program through which you and your loved one may qualify for home health services.

CHC (Community Health Center)

If you and your loved ones need comprehensive home health services, CHC is often the best place to start. CHC offers medical benefits for senior citizens and other people with disabilities. Vulnerable individuals may be able to qualify for personal care services, including assistance with both ADLs and IADLs. Home care services assist in grooming, bathing, meal preparation, prescription drug management, counseling, respite care, and much more.

To Know More, You Can Consult To I’Kare Consulting Firm

I’Kare Consulting Firm is a minority-owned healthcare staffing and consulting business whose mission is to cater to the staffing needs of healthcare centers, individuals, and sick families. We provide comprehensive staffing solutions to healthcare centers and individuals. As a consulting firm, we have a vast network that helps connect healthcare businesses with competent staff and skilled professionals with many opportunities. We love seeing people getting the care they need and recovering for the better.

We understand the condition of people confined to their homes and unable to perform general activities by themselves; therefore, we provide home care assistants. To know whether you qualify our criteria or not, connect with us.

Bottom Line

Home health care services are crucial for those who are injured, critically ill seniors, disabled, and cognitively impaired. The system runs multiple programs and schemes to help you get the home health care benefits, but you need to be eligible. We have tried our best to inform you about all the criteria you need to possess to qualify for the home healthcare benefits through this blog.

I’Kare Consulting Firm is one of the best consulting firms in the U.S that offers a wide range of nurse staffing services to meet all your healthcare needs.

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