8 Nutrients That A Travel Nurse Must Include In Their Patient’s Diet

The NMC’s or Nursing and Midwifery Council’s new guidelines were launched in March 2015. Hydration and nutrition are given separately within the code for the first time. This blog post will explore why this has become so important and travel nurses role in patient nutrition. In 2015, every registered travel nurse in the United States was sent the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s modified guidelines (NMC, 2015). It shows four prime areas for travel nurses to uphold:

  • Practice effectively;
  • Prioritize people;
  • Preserve safety;
  • Encourage professionalism and reliability.

Since then, Americans have become way more conscious of all nutrition factors than ever—from forswearing to avoid consuming cholesterol and carbs to hugging Mediterranean and Paleo diets. Because March is National Nutrition Month, it’s a great time to discuss those 8 nutrients that a travel nurse should include in their patient’s diet to improve their health and lifestyle.

Nutrients are vital for the proper functioning and performance of the body. With the help of nutritious food, the patients’ body gets the vital nutrients that it requires fulfilling all its functional needs. This is the reason why it’s so necessary for a travel nurse to make sure that your patient is consuming a sufficient and healthy diet.

If you are a healthcare nurse and want information on patients diet care tips for travel nurse practitioner, it is mentioned here. Outlines below are the eight nutrients that a travel nurse must include in its patients’ diet:

  • Calcium
  • Vitamin C
  • Flavonoids
  • Lignans
  • Resistant Starch
  • Dietary Fiber Deficiency
  • Yogurt Nutrients
  • Carbohydrates


Lack of calcium is often more obvious in women during menopause, as per a dozen researchers or scholars of the National Institute of Perinatology study. This deficiency occurs because the reduction in estrogen building restricts the subsuming of calcium, and, consequently, this decreases bone density.

The issue is that it’s tough to absorb calcium, and, additionally; it isn’t always consumed in the suggested daily quantity. Being a travel nurse, you must include calcium in your patient’s diet. Foods full of calcium are, basically:

  • Broccoli
  • Milk and other dairy products
  • Soy
  • Eggs
  • Legumes
  • Fish
  • Spinach

Vitamin C

Several foods are rich in vitamin C, especially fruits. It’s possible that being a travel nurse, you’ve already given your patients most of them in their daily routine diet– common vitamin C-rich fruits are lemons and oranges.

The food items that include the most vitamin C are:

  • Liver
  • Citrus fruits
  • Kale
  • Berries
  • Peppers


These flavonoid antioxidants come mostly from vegetables and fruits. Hence, people who don’t intake these foods are more likely to suffer a deficit.

As per the research performed by scholars of the University of Leon (Spain), flavonoid nutrients are vital in order to avoid premature aging, heart disease, and disorders accompanied by cognitive impairment.

Flavonoids can be found, for instance, in:

  • Apples
  • Broccoli
  • Strawberries
  • Onion bulb
  • Blueberries
  • Red grapes
  • Cabbage leaves
  • Lettuce
  • Garlic bulb



Lignans are another vital plant metabolite that gets fermented by intestinal bacteria when reached to the large intestine. They’re transmuted into phytoestrogen chemicals throughout this process and are instantly soaked into the bloodstream.

Phytoestrogen is supposed to possess various health benefits. Though, a study performed by a scholar suggests not depending on them rather than any necessary treatment or medication, as their claimed properties aren’t yet completely convincing.

Lignan nutrient is present in significant amounts in:

  • Flax seeds
  • Sesame seeds
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Beans
  • Broccoli
  • Soybeans
  • Berries
  • Rye

Resistant Starch

Resistant starch is a carbohydrate found in plants that, even though at times easily digested, mostly leads to challenges.

Nevertheless, resistant starch is a healthy diversity that aids in managing diabetes and inhibiting fat collection.

This kind of resistant starch is commonly found, for instance, in:

  • Potatoes
  • Whole grains
  • Legumes
  • Pasta
  • Green bananas

Dietary Fiber Deficiency

Lack of fiber is one of the most generally found problems in patients. Fiber is vital since it steers bowel movements, and deficiency of fiber nutrients may likely lead to chronic health problems. If too little fiber nutrient is consumed, it makes the cleansing and digestion process of the body tougher. It, eventually, may lead to constipation, irritating bowel syndrome, and make it tough to excrete what your body doesn’t require anymore.

If you are a travel nurse, you can give your patients fiber in their routine diet. Fiber can be found in:

  • Oatmeal
  • Lemons
  • Avocados
  • Papaya
  • Pears
  • Broccoli
  • Cucumbers
  • Brown rice
  • Watermelons
  • Apples
  • Oranges

Yogurt Nutrients

Thick, creamy, and smooth yogurt is an excellent protein, potassium, and calcium source. It is also an excellent source of natural probiotics to enhance digestion—the vital nutrients found in yogurt aid in building strong bones and make your immune system healthier.

It is good to use non-fat, plain yogurt. A travel nurse should give yogurt to their patients in different food items such as smoothies, dips, and salad dressings. You can even use it for nachos, stews, tipping soups, and other recipe toppings.


A vital nutrient, carbohydrates, give energy, which aids the human body to do physical and mental functions. They transport energy to all essential organs of the body, such as the brain, the glands, the eyes, the kidneys, and the heart. Carbs are categorized as simple sugars, fiber, and complex carbohydrates. Honey, whole grains, rice, root vegetables, bananas, table sugar, biscuits, pasta, oats, and bread are prime carbs sources. A diet rich in sugars, cakes, white flour, refined foods, chocolates, and soft drinks may disbalance the carbohydrate level and lead to escalating obesity, blood sugar levels, and mood swings. 

For a travel nurse, this blog has pro tips on how to assist feeding a patient and provide them with improved health and lifestyle. Also, if you are willing to become a travel nurse and earn a good package, you need to visit I’Kare Consulting Firm. We are looking forward to having words with potential travel nurse candidates. Visit us now to grab the opportunity.

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