In this blog, we will discuss some health tips for nurses so that they can stay fit & healthy and more productive at the workplace.
Why Do Healthcare Nurses Need To Follow Healthcare Tips?
Healthcare nursing is a demanding job role, and it’s not always simple to manage stress and the emotional burden associated with this designation. In today’s fast-running world, healthcare nurses tend to come in direct contact with high levels of stress or work pressure because of the type of duties they perform. Travel nurses or per diem nurses are loaded with specific aspects such as inappropriate resources, understaffing, functioning in unfamiliar departments, lack of managerial rewards, rotational shifts, underutilization of abilities and talents, persistently having to place the requirements of the other people before one’s own. Consequently, it is becoming one of the tough tasks for healthcare nurses to take care of their own health and be fit. Self care for nurses is truly necessary as they are the pillars of the healthcare industry.
As healthcare staff keep working extensively for the comprehensive system, they have seamlessly identified the causticity of their colleagues, typically failing to maintain their individual health. This irony is primarily because healthcare nurses and other staff have critical responsibilities, which usually get out the best of them. However, the hectic schedule of these nurses makes them unable to take care of their fitness and health requirements.
We have come up with some necessary health and fitness tips that a per diem nurse, travel nurse, or RN must follow:
- Exercise daily or five days a week
- Prepare your own lunch.
- Drink a sufficient amount of water
- Take care of your neck condition.
- Be self-aware
- Vacations are important
- Limit Caffeine Intake
- Take Short Breaks, Have A Change Of Place
- Keep Walking
- Manage Stress Properly
Try A Few Desk Exercises
It may sound like a challenging task to include gymming in your daily routine or stay fit while juggling a hectic work schedule. It is much easier to have a healthy lifestyle without affecting your efficiency and productivity at work. For example, you can switch your chair for an exercise ball. This can help you adjust your spine alignment, as it leads you to change sitting positions often, which assists you in avoiding damage that occurred by extended hours sitting in the same posture. Trust it or not, it can also support you getting 6-pack abs as it mainly uses your core! Another way to include basic exercises at the workplace is to use a treadmill desk or a walking desk. This kind of desk will consist of a treadmill on which you can stand or walk. Also, it is a desk that alters your height so you can effortlessly work on it. This convenient change will not merely assist you in getting on your feet but will also support you to remain active daily.
Prepare Your Own Lunch
Rather than having your meal outside the facility each day, it is pretty favorable both for your body and bank balance if you bring your lunchbox from home. It may sound like an intimidating chore to cook your lunch every day, but actually, it is not. Take some time out on Sundays or other holidays to shop for an entire week’s food. Store them in zip locks or brown bags and take each pack daily while leaving for work. Ideal lunch boxes that you can prepare for work would be tuna sandwiches, avocado & turkey sandwiches, hamburger & swiss cheese sandwiches, or maybe hotdogs for some days.
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Drink 10 Glasses Of Water
This task needs no effort. The only thing required is a sharp memory to remember to grab water frequently. It is necessary to drink at least ten glasses of water daily. This task can be accomplished by putting a jug of water or 16oz water bottle on your work desk with an hourly reminder set on your cell phone or desktop to remind you of drinking water. Water has thousands of health benefits. Most significantly, it helps release stress and keeps your body well-hydrated.
Take Care Of Your Neck
After that, we have another health tip. The neck is one of the most avoided areas of your body. A lot of people completely neglect their necks and fail to care about them correctly. Because most jobs require prolonged sitting at desks and looking fixedly at computer screens, this may lead to our necks facing whacking strains, consequently in chronic neck pains, which may further cause an increase in stress levels. Hence, it is better to take small breaks from the desk at fixed intervals. This way, you can provide your neck with frequent breaks amid the tasks.
Be Self-Aware
Self-awareness is good, and this recommendation is focused on the spiritual level, though its influences are not confined to just that. Self-aware individual knows their potential and does not clear themselves on trying to accomplish the unachievable task. They know their strong and weak areas and alter their jobs accordingly. Several people who are unable to focus on this necessary practice burn themselves out by over-evaluating their potential and performing exhausting duties. Self-awareness assists you to stay in sync with yourself and supports you to stay concentrated for longer.
Vacations Are Important
This is possibly one of the most avoided advice in the healthcare industry. Most people fail to take and enjoy vacations as they are completely dedicated to their work, attempting to accomplish as many tasks as possible. However, avoiding giving yourself some relaxing time and a change of place leads to burnout, leading to an increase in stress levels and unproductivity. Hence, if you are willing to stay concentrated on your work and wish to accomplish more tasks than you often do, it would be beneficial to take a vacation to the Bahamas or wherever you like, nourish your soul and rejuvenate your mind, so that when you get back to work, you feel refreshed, more full of energy, and can manage your job and responsibilities with a fresh viewpoint.
Limit Caffeine Intake
Regardless of the myth that caffeine consumption assists you to awaken the mind and makes you remain productive the whole day, an enormous amount of caffeine intake can lead to fatigue, headaches, and elevated stress. It is suggested that a normal person should not drink more than 2 cups of coffee in a day. If you are following a healthy routine, like the ones mentioned earlier, you wouldn’t be willing to resort to caffeine consumption as your body would be automatically strengthened and active.
Take Short Breaks, Have A Change Of Place
Further, in particular, this advice is similar to the one above. It is truly necessary to take short breaks frequently amid your meetings or daily tasks to provide your body with an opportunity to overcome the stress that you have been facing throughout the job role. This maintains your body balance and assists you in staying active the entire day.
Keep Walking
If you want to stay fit and healthy, it is necessary for you to keep walking rather than staying motionless for extended periods of time. An effortless way to include this activity in your daily routine is by having outdoor meetings, using a treadmill desk, or going for walks while on lunchtime. Moving for as little as 20 minutes each day can significantly influence your overall health and minimize a range of possibilities of developing heart diseases.
Manage Stress Properly
All the advice mentioned above is centered on this simple activity: manage your stress properly. No one can attain productivity while brawling with extreme levels of stress. Vacations, exercises, and a healthy routine all help you tackle your stress better and enable you to concentrate on duties that matter without causing you burnout.
All health, as mentioned earlier, tips can help you achieve a healthy lifestyle and make you more productive at the workplace. If you are a medical aspirant and want to get hired as per diem or travel nurse, visit the official website of I’Kare Consulting Firm and get hired at a handsome salary package. We have a range of services and job roles. So, hurry up now and don’t miss your chance to work as a travel nurse or per diem nurse.