Agency Policies and Procedures

Welcome to I’kare Consulting Firm L.L.C., d/b/a/ I’kare Medical, and Employment Staffing Solutions team! We look forward to working with you and assisting you in achieving an exciting and rewarding career with our Agency. This handbook will serve as your point of reference for any standards, policies, and procedures that I’kare Consulting Firm L.L.C., d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Staffing Solutions, and its employees are expected to follow.
It is required that you review and return the acknowledgment form located at the back of the handbook. This acknowledgment form will be kept on file for our records.
Your employment is at will, and this is in no way, shape, or form a contract. You, the employee, have the right to terminate employment with or without notice or cause at any time.


The healthcare industry is intertwined closely in all our lives, and when it fails, we witness the ripples of its inability to cater the people’s needs. Therefore, our mission is to set the standard for elite healthcare staffing through fully vetted nurses and dedicated providers. We aim to build a sustainable system of staffing and employment solutions to accomplish the goal of accessible healthcare for all and give a helping hand to a variety of medical professionals to scout the opportunities that suit their preferences and skillset the best.
We strive to achieve excellence in staffing by procuring candidates that can fit well in the positions of competency to deliver better, efficient, and expedient results complying with the regulations and standards of the industry. Therefore, we pledge to provide exceptional customer service while building a lasting and unified front with leading healthcare providers and committed nurses across the country.


I’kare Consulting Firm L.L.C., d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Staffing Solutions will be the top innovator and leader in the healthcare staffing industry. Through excellence in healthcare, quality patient-centered care, and top qualified healthcare professionals, we will be the industry leader. Providers will gain satisfaction and peace of mind in the quality of staffing offered. Nurses will regain trust, passion, and dedication to the healthcare system.


A community-based-oriented business. We strive to empower people and create a direct impact on people’s lives.
We are dedicated to setting you on the path to success. We are committed to our clients, their patients, the community, and our employees through COMMITMENT, EQUITY, HARD WORK, UNDERSTANDING, GRANDEUR, and QUALITY SERVICE as enriching with VALUES, INTEGRITY, and PASSION.


Who We Are

The path of our progress is laid down by the organization’s leaders, that is assisted by our valued advisors who have a professional medical background and have worked in the industry and hospital settings for many years as registered nurses and nurse practitioners.
We started as a community-based organization, and we still operate on the same principles. Join Us and see what role you can play in the betterment of the community.
I’KARE Consulting Firm LLC, d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Solutions is a minority-owned healthcare staffing agency operating from the heart of the Chicagoland area and catering to the staffing needs of multiple hospitals 10-Million people living in the Chicagoland area. We work on our widely dispersed network to connect healthcare businesses with the right staff for the operations and connect qualified professionals with a vast plethora of opportunities.
We are one of the promising fastest-growing medical staffing agencies in the Chicagoland area and have built a reliable and credible reputation in the market. Our management are experienced professionals that are always eager to help and present whenever their services are in demand.

Administrative Basics

Office (Staff) operational is available Monday through Friday from the hours of 0800 to 1700, and on Saturday from hours 1000 to 1500. Our toll-free telephone number is Toll-Free: (833) 996-3301; our local telephone number is: (331) 321-7220; (331) 321-7221; our eFax number is: (331) 321-7668. Outside of normal business hours and in the event of an emergency, please contact us at any of the numbers listed above. I’KARE Consulting Firm LLC, d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Solutions’ on-call staff will be readily available and deployed for your urgent care.
In the event of an emergency, natural disaster, or another uncontrollable event, I’KARE Consulting Firm LLC, d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Solutions will continue to provide service to you through our network from a location where phones and computers are functional. I’KARE Consulting Firm LLC, d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Solutions will do everything possible to support you in meeting your needs during a critical situation.

Equal Opportunity Employment

All eligible candidates seeking employment with I’KARE Consulting Firm LLC, d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Solutions are entitled to equal opportunity employment. We do not discriminate against any applicant on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, or physical, or mental disabilities. Equal opportunity employment is provided to all applicants at each stage of employment, including recruitment, hiring, training, promotion, discipline, and termination of employment. I’KARE Consulting Firm LLC, d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Solutions will not unlawfully discriminate against any applicant, and any employment decision is based solely on the individual’s qualifications, experience, gender, and background check.

Employment Guidelines and Agreement

I’KARE Consulting Firm LLC, d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Solutions is dedicated to providing our client(s) with the highest level of healthcare professionals capable of performing in the most competent, professional, and reliable manner. The following information is provided to assist you in understanding our agency requirements and procedures. If you have any questions, please speak to I’KARE Consulting Firm LLC, d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Solutions’ Coordinator, who will be happy to assist you.


Required Credentials and Documentations

Prior to beginning employment, the documentation of the following requirements must be on file.
Requirements may vary by position.
• Completed I’KARE Consulting Firm LLC, d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Solutions Employment Application
• Interview process
• Current CPR Certification
• CPR Certification is mandatory for everyone.
• Current state Licensure/Certification- Original documentation will be verified by a representative of I’KARE Consulting Firm LLC, d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Solutions.
• Reference Checks-
• Must provide one (1) recent, relevant work-related reference. The reference must be the candidate’s direct supervisor.
• One (1) personal reference is also required.
• Review of State and Joint Commission Mandatory In-Services and signed
• Acknowledgment Forms
• HIPPA, Universal Precautions, Substance Abuse, Age Specific Skills, Infection Control, National Patient Safety Goals, and Sexual Harassment in The Workplace
• Competency Assessments/Skills Assessment
• Satisfactory Physical within the last 12 months
• Hepatitis B Vaccination/Declination Form
• Tuberculosis- Valid TB Test within the past year or Chest X-Ray within the past five years
• The requirements may be different as per each facility’s policies.
• Office of Inspector General Exclusion Report-
• Verifies employees are not excluded from participation in federally funded programs
• Criminal Background Check
• As required by law, clients, or the nature of the assignment
• Drug Test
• As required by law, clients, or the nature of the assignment
• Orientation
• Along with our agency-specific orientation, our clients may require on-site orientation
I-9 Documentation- Work Authorization and Identity Documents
• W-4- Consent for federal income tax withholdings
• State and Local tax form

It is the responsibility of the Employee to keep up to date with their credentials and/or License(s)/Certification(s).

Agency Administrative Policy and Procedures

We know you will appreciate the personalized service our experienced professional staff can offer, and we are confident that your assignment will be challenging, interesting, and rewarding!

Responsibility for Accepting An Assignment

I’KARE Consulting Firm LLC, d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Solutions ask that you accept only those assignment(s) you are certain that you will fulfill. Understandably, there are times when unforeseen emergencies occur, which will necessitate your canceling an assignment. If this happens, call your coordinator as soon as possible so that we can make other arrangements. Our telephone lines are open 24 hours a day for you to leave a message. If you fail to report to your assignments or cancel at the last minute without notice or good reason, I’KARE Consulting Firm LLC, d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Solutions will not reassign you with new assignments.

Appearance, Attitude, Absenteeism, and Lateness

Please keep in mind that you are a representative of our firm. When reporting to each assignment, be sure to be on time. If you cannot report to work, call your staffing specialist immediately. If you are going to be late, always let us know so that we can advise the client facility. Remember, never call the facility directly. All communications must be through I’KARE Consulting Firm LLC, d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Solutions. While at the client facility, maintain a pleasant, courteous, and positive attitude, and always look your best.

Employee Attendance

All employees are expected to arrive to work every day on time and complete each shift as agreed. If you are unable to work as scheduled because of illness or an emergency, you must contact our office within four hours prior to the time you are scheduled to work. If you are unable to work for three consecutive days or more, a written note from your doctor is required stating when you are able to return to work. Failure to meet these standards will result in disciplinary action or disqualification from future employment opportunities with I’KARE Consulting Firm LLC, d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Solutions.


Being Hired On A Permanent Basis

If one of your clients wishes to employ you on a direct-hire (permanent) basis, you must notify I’KARE Consulting Firm LLC, d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Solutions immediately. Please specify that you are requesting permission to convert from temporary to full-time. We will contact the client and arrange for your employment conversion and release.

Work-Related Injuries and/or Exposures

As an employee of I’KARE Consulting Firm LLC, d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Solutions, you are covered under the laws of Social Security,
Worker’s Compensation, and Unemployment Insurance. If there is ever a medical emergency, accident, or injury sustained while on the job, be sure to report it directly and immediately. I’KARE Consulting Firm LLC, d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Solutions provides Worker’s Compensation Insurance for its employees as required by law. It is our philosophy that if an employee is injured while at work, it is our intent to assist that employee to return to work as soon as possible. The employee is obligated to report a work-related injury to I’KARE Consulting Firm LLC, d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Solutions as soon as possible. An Injury Report Form needs to be completed by the employee as soon as possible after the injury.

Getting Paid

Each pay period starts on the Sunday of each week and ends Saturday of each week. A payroll check is issued weekly on Friday, either by direct deposit or mail. You will be paid for all approved hours. This excludes meal breaks. We will deduct only mandatory income taxes, social security, and other cities, states, and federal deductions as required by law. It is the responsibility of the employee to ensure that their direct deposit and mailing address information is accurate. I’KARE Consulting Firm LLC, d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Solutions will not be responsible for inaccurate bank or mailing information. If a paycheck is not received by the desired date, please contact our office immediately.
Please use only one timesheet for each assignment during the week. For example, if you work two days at one facility and three days at another, you will need to have two completed, approved, and signed timesheets, i.e., one for each facility.

In order to be paid in a timely fashion, your signed and approved timesheet must be turned in by Monday morning no later than 8 am to meet our payroll deadline. If timesheet(s) are not returned promptly, you will not be paid for your approved time until the next pay period, i.e., the following week. Timesheet(s) can be faxed or emailed to our office. If there is an issue getting your timesheet(s) to our office on time, please contact our office directly.
In accordance with state and federal laws, the reporting of incorrect hours worked is considered fraud, and any fraudulent or deceptive practices will result in disqualification and prosecution, which includes financial restitution.


All overtime must have prior approval before working said shift(s). If a Client requests your services for overtime, please contact our office first. We will ensure that your hours and compensation are approved before the desired shift(s).
Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, an employee is entitled to overtime premium pay of one-and-one-half times their regular rate of pay after working 40 hours in a week.
I’KARE Consulting Firm LLC, d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Solutions is your employer. You are paid by us. There is never a fee or registration charge to our temporary staff.
There are certain subjects that you should not discuss with anyone other than your I’KARE Consulting Firm LLC, d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Solutions Coordinator. These include your hourly pay rate, your home address, and your telephone number. This information is strictly confidential.

Scheduling and Reconfirmation

Employees of I’KARE Consulting Firm LLC, d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Solutions are selected not only for their high standards and professionalism but also for their personal integrity and individual commitment. Your responsibility to honor your work commitment is essential to the continued success of both your professional career and your relationship with our agency. Accordingly, it is expected that you carefully plan the dates and times you are available to work so that cancellations do not occur.
Consider yourself committed to the date of availability given. Should a facility wish to schedule with you directly while you are on assignment, by all means, secure the next opportunity for yourself? However, it is imperative that you notify us of any such scheduling, so we can assure payment for your services. This is especially true if you provide services to more than one facility. Make sure you are not already scheduled on another assignment.

Stay in Touch

After the completion of each assignment, you must call our office to let us know of your availability. We will reassign you at that time or will call on you in the future with a new assignment. This is very important for you to remember in order to receive new assignments.

While on Assignment

I’KARE Consulting Firm LLC, d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Solutions supply supplemental staff to a wide range of healthcare facilities with varying requirements and procedures. At the time of assignment, your agency representative will review any specific facility requirements with you. The following information explains I’KARE Consulting Firm LLC, d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Solutions guidelines while on assignment.


I’KARE Consulting Firm LLC, d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Solutions will provide mandatory in-service to all its employees prior to the start of your assignment. Included in these in-services will be an acknowledgment form for you to sign, attesting that you have read and understood the materials. Some facilities require that you read and study their orientation guidelines in our office prior to your first assignment. I’KARE Consulting Firm LLC, d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Solutions Representative will explain the process to you. Other facilities will require you to attend their orientation at their facility.

Identification and Attire

Agency ID badge or facility ID badge must be worn while on assignment. If you have not received your ID badge by the time of your first shift, please bring another form of photo identification with you to the facility. Unless otherwise informed, your attire shall consist of a clean, neat, standard uniform. Your uniform should always be in compliance with the dress code for that facility and clinical area. If you are unsure of what to wear, please ask your I’KARE Consulting Firm LLC, d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Solutions Coordinator.


Break-time varies according to the policies of each facility. If you will not be getting your break or expect to work additional time, notify the supervisor/charge nurse immediately. The supervisor/charge nurse will either relieve you or authorize additional time. Any additional time will be paid only if authorized by a supervisor via a signature on your timesheet.

Reach out/call I’KARE Consulting Firm LLC, d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Solutions Immediately If:

• You anticipate being late or will be unable to keep your commitment to work.
• You arrive at the facility and are told you are not scheduled to work and/or are asked to go home.
• You are at a facility, and you are asked to:
• Float to an area outside your expertise
• Take charge without prior knowledge or consent
• Take what you believe to be an unsafe patient assignment.
• An occurrence (incident) occurs.

Please do not leave the facility prior to contacting us.
Standards of Conduct
I’KARE Consulting Firm LLC, d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Solutions, has always insisted that our temporary staffing associates maintain the highest standards of ethical and professional business behavior. In all dealings with our clients, the public, and each other, all temporary staffing associates on assignment are expected to perform their duties with the highest degree of honesty, integrity, loyalty, and dedication to I’KARE Consulting Firm LLC, d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Solutions and its clients.
I’KARE Consulting Firm LLC, d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Solutions have developed policies and rules for this end. Temporary staffing associates on assignment, who engage in any of the following enumerated conduct or in any other actions or omissions that I’KARE Consulting Firm LLC, d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Solutions determines to be contrary to its standards of acceptable conduct or to otherwise be inappropriate, shall immediately be deemed ineligible for future assignments. Please read the following and ask your Coordinator any questions that you may have.

• If you are insubordinate or demonstrate a lack of cooperation.
• If you fail to either cancel (with as much notice as practical) or appear when scheduled at any assignment(s).
• If you receive two sub-standard client performance evaluations.
• If you have three unsatisfactory reasons for lateness or absences.
• If you cause any type of disruption at a client’s worksite (e.g. harassment, fighting, theft).
• If you are released by one or more clients for behavioral reasons on two occasions, and one incident is extreme or serious, as determined by I’KARE Consulting Firm LLC, d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Solutions, you will be deemed ineligible for future assignments based on that single incident.
• Determinations of violations of the foregoing rules will be based upon objective evidence, credibility determinations, and the client’s recitation of the facts and any other criteria Your Agency Name Here deems credible and relevant.
The above lists set forth examples of behavior(s) that will result in automatic ineligibility for future assignments.

Non-Retaliation Policy
Any employee that becomes aware of any ethical issues or unethical practices must immediately report it to their supervisor. If the supervisor is unavailable or you believe it would be inappropriate to contact that person because of their involvement in the situation, you should immediately contact I’KARE Consulting Firm LLC, d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Solutions, or any other member of management. Any employee can raise concerns and make reports without fear of reprisal or retaliation. No reprisal action shall be taken against any employee who reports instances of patient rights violations or patient abuse, neglect, or exploitation to the appropriate authorities.
If you do not know whether a situation is a problem, please ask a member of our management team.
Any employee or personnel that has reported misconduct and believes that they are experiencing retaliation for such reporting should contact our office immediately.

Supervision of Staff Policy
All temporary staff will be supervised as outlined by federal and state regulations and accepted standards of practice. This mandatory supervision will occur annually.

To ensure staff is demonstrating competence in communication, direct patient care, identifying and responding to client needs, and performing techniques properly.

Clinical Supervision
The Director of Nursing provides clinical staff supervision for I’KARE Consulting Firm LLC, d/b/a/ I’kare Medical and Employment Solutions’ healthcare professionals. The Director of Nursing understands the scope of services provided by the disciplines supervised. The Director of Nursing utilizes the appropriate practice acts, the professional licensing and certification boards, and professional associations as clinical resources as needed. It is the Director of Nursing’s responsibility to identify and report aberrant or illegal behavior to professional boards and law enforcement agencies.

Special Instructions
The Agency’s Director of Nursing will observe performance at least annually as part of the performance evaluation process and evaluate individual competencies.

Providing Quality Patient Care
We provide the highest quality care to our clients, patients, and/or residents. Quality of care is a promise our employees must deliver on every assignment. Patients and/or residents must be treated with the utmost dignity and respect. We are committed to following all applicable policies, laws, and licensing requirements relating to the quality of care and patient safety. We uphold the professional standard of care, report patient safety concerns, and engage in quality improvement activities. Patient care must never be provided out of your scope of practice.

Patient Rights
As healthcare providers, we have an ethical responsibility to make our patients feel secure in our care. In addition to our ethical responsibility, we have a legal responsibility to comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to the rights of patients.

Personnel Records Policy
Personnel files will be established and maintained for all personnel. All information will be considered confidential and made available to authorized personnel only. Personnel records may not be removed from our agency unless ordered by subpoena.

To provide a mechanism for maintaining accurate, complete, and current personnel information.
Special Instructions
The personnel record for each employee will include, but not be limited to:
• Employment Application (signed and dated)
• Interview Process
• Reference Check Results
• A minimum of one (1) Healthcare related professional Reference and one (1) Personal Reference
• Criminal History and Background Checks, as required by law
• Drug Test, as required by law
• Employee Health Form (including valid TB Test within a year or Chest X-Ray within five years.
• Note: Chest X- Ray recommendations may be facility specific.
• Hepatitis B Vaccination or Consent/Declination
• Verification of Credentials
• Current license to practice nursing as a Registered Nurse, Licensed Practical Nurse, or Nurse Aide 1 or Nurse Aide 2 in the state of Missouri
• Verification of Current CPR Certification
• Signed Job Description
• HIPPA Acknowledgment Form
• Acknowledgement/Signed Review of Policies and Procedures Manual.
• Confidentiality Statement (signed)
• Skills Checklist
• Annual Performance Evaluation
• Orientation Checklist- Completed and Signed
• Annual Mandatory In-Services
• Updated Credentials and Certification, as applicable
• I-9 Documentation- Work Authorization and Identity Documents
• W-4- Consent for Federal Income Tax Withholdings.
• State and Local Tax Forms
• Health Benefits Eligibility Form for Temporary Workers

When employees are retained on a contractual arrangement, the agency shall pay for the services rendered in the manner specified in the contract.

Temporary Employees
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) law states that anyone hired or rehired after January 1, 2015, that are listed in the HR System, and will work 30 or more hours per week for three months or more, must be offered the chance to enroll in the ACA health plan within their first 30 days of employment. Those that work less than 30 hours per week initially, but later begin to average over 30 hours, will be identified by an eligibility query that looks back over the last 12 months. The General Assembly has enacted legislation that states if a rehired retiree becomes eligible under the Affordable Care Act for the ACA High Deductible Health Plan, they must terminate their retiree health coverage. HR Benefits recommends that rehired retirees work no more than 29 hours/week.

Garnishment Policy

In accordance with federal, state, and local regulation, we comply with garnishments and wage assignments directed against an employee’s earnings.

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